I saw Leonard Cohen last night! It was an amazing, breathtaking, unbelievably moving concert. I've never been so privileged to be part of any performance before.
It was at the Garden, and I had box seats with my mom, which put us very far away. But the sound was incredible (which is unusual for the Garden) and the big monitors helped.
He gave two very full sets. He started at 8 and went to 11:30 with a short break in between-- he did about four encores!. In fact, when the first part was over, I thought that was it. After all, the man is 75 years old.
He was incredible. His voice was beautiful, his lyrics are heart-rending. The band was awesome, really loved and felt his music and played with passion and emotion. My favorite was Anthem, (which was the final number of the first set, and which I thought was his finale).
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack, a crack, in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
That's how the light gets in.