What a lovely day I had!
Tits! & went to hear a tribute to Frank O'Hara in the garden of
MOMO. A handful of poets read selections of his work, and some of their own. I loved hearing
O'Hara's work. How easy to let his brilliance fall by the wayside, how easy to go on with life without reading his poems, which should be read, really, on a regular basis, because they are so perfect and always fresh.
Afterwards we went to the American Folk Art Museum to see a group show of work inspired by or related to Henry
Darger. I love
Darger, and the exhibit included many, many of his pieces, juxtaposed with those of contemporary artists. It was really a very vibrant show, with a lot of depth. I forget the names of the artists, other than Amy Cutler, whose work I'm a big fan of. But there were a handful of others' work that very much captivated me. There's a joyousness to all that is disturbing in his work that somehow was revealed. Also, the contemporary artists, no matter how excellent their work, lacked the unsettling obsessive quality his has. Which is a good thing!
(The piece pictured here is by Justine Lieberman)