Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Late Quartet

I just streamed A Late Quartet on Netflix. My first Philip Seymour Hoffman movie since the terrible news of his death last week.

What an amazing actor! He brought so much to his roles, so much depth and sensitivity and humanity. And he chose projects that were so interesting and complex. I was deeply saddened by his death and am going to watch and rewatch a number of his movies.

Anyway, A Late Quartet is a drama about a classical music quartet that has been together for 25 years. The movie starts with the news that the oldest member has been diagnosed with Parkinson's, and in the aftermath of this news various relationships between the members start to unravel.

Catherine Keener is wonderful as PSH's wife and the quartet's viola player. Christopher Walken and the other performers are great too. It's sad and quiet and very focused. In some ways the dramatic elements were a little predictable, but the wonderful acting made up for that.

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