Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I just finished Anagrams by Lorrie Moore. I had read her first book, a short story collection called Self-Help when I was in college, I think, and I loved it. I found an old copy of this novel in the laundry room. I'm glad I did. I really, really, really enjoyed this book. It is crisply wry and insightful and every sentence crackles. I became very bonded with the main character, and sort of with the writer. It has a very sad ending, though. And I feel bummed out.

Also, I sense that novels aren't her forte. Anagrams starts with a few stories with the main character in different lives, before it gets into the main one, and I just get the sense that Moore is probably more gifted and adept at short stories. I'm going to buy one of her other collections and read it VT!

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