Saturday, November 14, 2009

Away We Go

Away We Go is a very sweet, very special movie. Its only flaw may be its awareness of its own specialness; it does sort of have an undercurrent of smug preciousness to it. But, far and away I enjoyed it.

It's about a couple that is quietly and solidly in love but they don't have any family or social connections. They are in a fairly wonderful world of two, where they get each other, they respect each other, and they communicate honestly and humorously. The depiction of this relationship reveals genuine intimacy.

So, they are pregnant and want to find a place to raise a baby where they are less alone. They travel around the country visiting people: old friends, family members. Everyone is very fucked up and there are some hilarious scenes. These encounters leave the couple feeling alienated and afraid. But, and here's where the smugness comes in, there's a sense that they know they won't be fucked up terrible parents because they tacitly understand that they are better than anyone else.

In spite of this, it's a very likable, very funny, and very sweet movie. It also has a compelling yet cloying soundtrack by Alexi Murdoch.

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