Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I watched an interesting documentary last night that my brother recommended, Catfish. It follows a young photographer who gets involved with a woman on facebook, and begins to develop deep feelings. They meet in an odd way, the girl's 8 year old sister sends him a painting she did of a photograph of his, and he begins a correspondence with the 8-year old prodigy and her mother, before engaging with the 19 year old sister. He gets enmeshed in this family, and suddenly things start to not add up, and he does some investigating... The story is told largely through texts, g-chats, and facebook newsfeeds, so it's very 21st Century. The main character was kind of self-satisfied and annoying, but when they eventually uncover the girl's real identity I found myself fascinated by her, and would love to have known more. It's definitely worth watching.

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