Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bad News Bears

I've been on a sort of cheesy nostalgic comedy kick lately... Last night I watched The Bad News Bears with Walter Mathau and Tatum O'Neal.

I had LOVED this movie when I was a kid. And, to an extent, it holds up. I mean, it really is mainly for kids, but I could see the quality of it as a kids feel good comedy with edge (particularly amusing to me was the only sponsor they could find for the team was Chico's Bail Bonds).

Speaking of edge, it was a tad shocking. Mathau plays a broken down drunk roped in to coaching a baseball team of klutzy misfits. He drinks all the time and smokes. In front of the kids, even falls down drunk on the field. And the kids, feisty and charming, curse at him like no tomorrow. I know they recently remade The Bad News Bears, and I'm wondering if it kept the harsh depressing edge. Although it ended on a fun, uplifting note, there was no major resolution: Mathau didn't get his shit together. I appreciate this lack of sappiness.

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