Sunday, March 21, 2010

Home Videos: Family Past Perfect

Tonight I saw a wonderful film screening at PS 122. Home Videos: Family Past Perfect presented a sequence of four short films by Sara Strahan. Shown on a continuous loop, and broken into three screens, the films were made of family home videos and found footage. They were spliced together in haunting patterns, and the use of repetition made really exploded a sort of collage effect.

My friend and I watched the sequence a few times, at first letting it just sort of wash over us, and then becoming more and more absorbed and taken with the rhythm of the piece.

The images included nostalgic glimpses of childhood juxtaposed with at times creepy black and white footage from the 50s and 60s. I found myself wanting to impose a narrative on the stream of images, just because I'm that kind of person, but, in resisting that impulse I was able to more fully experience the exciting, haunting, beautiful and complex work.

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