Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Devil's Backbone

I'm not sure how I felt about The Devil's Backbone, directed by Guillermo del Toro, who also directed Pan's Labyrinth (I mistakenly thought he did The Orphanage as well).

It's a very interesting story about an orphanage that is haunted by a dead child during the Spanish Civil War. But the ghost story isn't the main plot. It's related to the bigger story about the adults in the orphanage and their politics. The drama between these characters was actually rather unusual, but right now I'm tired and don't feel like writing about it.

There was some very intense violence that was one of the most awful scenes I'd ever seen.

Basically this felt like a combination of horror and melodrama, and I'm not sure how it worked. I was scared at some points, but not terribly scared; I was drawn into the story, but it also felt somehow like a cliche. I just don't know...

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