Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Registered Sex Offender

Last night I watched an indie mockumentary, Registered Sex Offender, on Watch Instantly. I had never heard of it and it was recommended to me by Netflix.

Directed by Bob Byington, this is a snarky, irreverent, dark comedy following an obnoxious (but funny), recalcitrant, and lazy sex offender as he reenters the community after a prison sentence. He and the filmmakers make a mockery of the system and the absurdity of policies like forcing people to go door to door and introduce themselves as registered sex offenders.

True to the style of mockumentaries and the new aesthetic of the awkward, there were many subtly amusing, tense scenes that I confess I enjoyed watching. Particularly the scenes of group therapy, individual therapy, and community service. However, the difficulty of the subject matter and the fuck-you-attitude of the anti-hero made me uncomfortable, and I'm not sure over all how I felt about Registered Sex Offender. The ending in particular kind of confounded me; it didn't seem in the spirit of the whole piece. Also, at times I was aware of the actors acting, which was slightly distracting. Although for the most part I think they did a great job.

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