Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Incredibles

Incredibly, I loved this movie! I got it because it is made by the guy that did Ratatouille, and there was something sophisticated (for lack of a better word) about his sensibility that I thought I'd try this, in spite of how it looks.
Again, there was something different about the story, something less cloying and pandering than other animated Disney things are, or at least than I assume they are.
This is about a family of incredible people -- superheroes- who are forced to endure an ordinary existence in a world where "they keep finding new ways to reward mediocrity". The moral of the story might even be, don't be afraid to show off.
The reason they have to hide themselves is that all superheroes have gone into witness protection programs because there have been too many lawsuits against them. But, the father gets lured away from his stifling job as an insurance adjuster by a mysterious woman who turns out to be working for an evil genius. Someone who's brilliance is in inventing ways to surpass the powers of "natural" superheroes, and someone who Mr. Incredible thwarted when he was child. Anyway, plot synopsis not necessary, I realize.
The animation was awesome, it was really exciting, although I hate the idealized super-thin representations of the female body.

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