Monday, December 29, 2008
Wives & Daughters

Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's a great little book. (Although after all these years my copy is rather worse for wear.)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Capricorn One

Anyway, I really like this movie. As a child I saw it when it came out -- my parents just dragged us to whatever. I remember it being really scary and fascinating. I also misremembered the plot. I thought they fooled the astronauts into thinking they were on Mars.
It was a very good story, although filled with holes. Too many people in on a conspiracy, for one thing. But where it was really weak was all the speechifying and moralizing that went on. That kind of just seemed corny.
It was fun watching young Sam Waterston. So many of us must have a fondness in our hearts for him because of Law & Order.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Back to the Futures

Last night I watched Back to the Future II and tonight I watched Back to the Future III. A friend of mine had said he had his young daughters watch all three of them one rainy day and recommended them to me. I remember really liking the original. The sequels are good as well. Obviously not fresh, because obviously the concept is the same, plus twenty years have passed since they were made. Speaking of time travel.
Anyway, I really enjoyed these. They took my mind of my dissertation and were amusing. I got restless during all the fight/chase scenes, as I always do. Not an action film person, I guess.
Well, back to the present...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Dark Knight

I find the whole comic book genre kind of exhausting and tiresome and childish, but this was much better than the rest. Truly a cut above. Yes, it was over-long. Could easily have been half an hour shorter. And yes, the psychological conflicts between and within characters were broadly drawn. But I really felt for the characters and was interested in most of the scenes. It was incredibly well filmed and visually arresting.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Like Life

Monday, December 8, 2008
Valley of the Dolls

That's what happened to me last night when I watched Valley of the Dolls. I had read the book -- and loved it -- in 7th grade and I think at some point in college I watched the movie, but don't really remember. So this was to refresh my memory. It was horrible. Not fun. Okay, maybe a little unintentionally funny. But not fun.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Le Scandal

We went to Le Scandal at Cutting Room. It was a terrific show. It included a regular strip act, a sexy chanteuse, a contortionist or two, a naked acrobat/aerialist, a sword-swallower, and a fire-eater. Every act was done to hot, thumping kind of music and had a real sexy slant to it. Although the fire-eater was kind of the most dramatic, my favorite was the aerialist who performed in a suspended hoop to Jessie's Girl. She was very sexy.
I kind of would like to go to a show that's less "neo-burlesque" and more old-fashioned. Just to see.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Elements of Teaching Writing

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I was also bored with all the violence. I was beading a box while I watched it, so it was good as something to have on while I did something else.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Ernest Concepcion

I saw an exhibit of Ernest Concepcion's work at Kentler International Drawing Space in Red Hook today. The show was called The Line Wars Deluxe. It included very large scale, detailed pen and ink drawings of animals fighting as well as some figures that looked sort of superhero-ish. It was a small show in an interesting intimate space.
Friday, November 28, 2008

It's such a good movie. Very brutal scenes, brutal acting. It's about ordinary people, but there is so much disturbance in their emotional lives, that they aren't really ordinary. I don't think. Even if there's a lot of despair underneath most people's exterior, I don't think there is psychopathy. I don't know. What do I know.
The frank discussions about masturbation between father and son, Philip Seymour Hoffman masturbating while making crank phone calls, the father masturbating to the teen magazine in the car -- it was all kind of too intense for me. I was trying to eat a shrimp burrito and felt sickened. I also felt self-conscious, like if a camera were on me now, at home alone on a Saturday night watching a DVD on the computer with my ordered-in food amidst a messy apartment and three cats, and piles of printed out articles for the dissertation that is taking forever... Would I hold up to scrutiny? Could I be a character in a meanly yet tenderly drawn Solondz film?
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Manhattan Murder Mystery

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Also, I sense that novels aren't her forte. Anagrams starts with a few stories with the main character in different lives, before it gets into the main one, and I just get the sense that Moore is probably more gifted and adept at short stories. I'm going to buy one of her other collections and read it VT!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Prokofiev at the 92nd Street Y

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Mitchell Marco at Christopher Henry Gallery

The gallery's copy reads: The images reflect upon a time in which the family structure was simpler, evoking a bygone era of black and white media. However, the past is never simple, and Marco shows us that the eternal conundrums of human psychology are always present just beneath the surface." Very true.
I couldn't find an image of his current work on line, so simply posted a photo of the artist that I found.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Kung Fu Panda

It's weird, it has all this Buddhist philosophy throughout; I mean, it's pretty explicit. Do kids get that stuff these days? It's surprisingly sophisticated if you ask me.
The plot, however, wasn't. It was fairly typical, although there were some emotional moments. I loved the wise old turtle the best; I loved looking at his neck. And I loved the chubby bear portrayed as an emotional over-eater.
I love bears, but not panda's. The markings around their eyes freak me out and remind me too much of raccoons, which I hate.
Angelina Jolie and some other famous actors did the voice work. I don't get that. Her character was pretty thin and not too important. Why have a big star do that? There's nothing distinctive about her voice. And you don't get to see her face, which is her big draw.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Gary Gulman at Gotham Comedy Club

I think I like comics best when you can warm up to their persona. Like when you enjoy watching and listening to them even when they are not laugh-out-loud funny. When they are taking their time setting up their jokes. Also, there is a kind of brilliant, incisive humor that can be very mean-spirited, which often makes me uncomfortable even as I am laughing. Last night wasn't mean-spirited at all, and I had a wonderful time.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sidewalks of New York

Brittany Murphy is in it and I love her and enjoyed watching her.

Gypsy seems unique for a musical in that it is psychology complex, about unhappy, unsatisfied, dysfunctional relationships. In fact, much of the humorous moments or gags left me cold, seemed to be getting away from what is so gripping in the story. I felt that Patti Lupone's Rose could have been slightly more unlikeable or something. Even though Louise kind of triumphed, Rose basically ruined her daughters. But I didn't feel pulled into the melodrama, felt distracted by the musical numbers and the hamming. Also, the sound quality was off -- it was kind of hard to hear a lot of the lines.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Winged Migration

In a way I would have liked more narration, because I know so little about birds and am now fascinated by them and want to know more. At least about geese and pelicans and penguins and cranes. I don't give a rats ass about pigeons. Sorry, but I just don't.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Fun Home

I started Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel on the subway on my way to work this morning and could not put it down all day. I had a two hour break between presentations where I sat in a Starbucks completely absorbed in it. Then I spent another couple of hours with it on my couch.
It's a graphic novel memoir about a woman's strange family life. He father ran a funeral home and was a closeted homosexual. The story is very much about the pall that his shame and unhappiness cast on his family. The way they lived with something that was never said or understood but that which effected them all very much. It's also about how the daughter reconstructs her own and her family's past, how she begins to understand her anxieties and her relationships with her parents. It is interspersed with the unfolding of her own gay sexuality as well as her and her family's reading of literature. Joyce, Collette, Fitzgerald and Camus are very much entwined in the story. I thought it was excellent. It was incredibly sweet, and creepy, and fascinating, and moving.
Richard Siegal & Fang-Yi Sheu

I really loved the Richard Siegal and Fang-Yi Sheu performances. Richard Siegal/The Bakery consisted of two men doing very charming tap-like or soft shoe type jazz dancing. I'm not sure what the term is, but the choreography was very playful, the music very lively, and the dancers very charismatic. I was blown away by the Fang-Yi Sheu piece, which was just her and a long table. She was incredibly lithe, small and strong and was able to undulate beautifully in an unearthly way against the table. I found it very emotional and haunting. Riveting. I was literally at the edge of my seat, holding my breath. It was very erotic, but also sad. Kind of lonely. The music was somewhat industrial, and it added this inhuman or inhumane element to it.
The other pieces were okay, but didn't quite do it for me. The Hawaiian troupe was kind of fun but also nothingish. I once saw a performance of Hawaiian dance on PBS that was much more involved and layered. This was kind of simple seeming tribal dancing. Or maybe I'm missing something. Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.
In any event, I hate that I wasn't able to find a photo on line of any of the pieces I saw. I'm sick of this festival picture, but it's all I have.
Monday, September 22, 2008

This book is brilliantly presented. It presents a very French Theory overview of the topic -- which I'm a little bored by, actually. Then it is mainly the text of interviews with the behavioral psychiatrist who runs the clinics. These interviews, the things that come out of his mouth are truly bizarre. It also includes long excerpts from the sessions reviewing the masturbation fantasy tapes, a long monologue from a client (who basically says everyone "cheats" on the penile measurement things and on the tapes as well), and a list-poem type section of quotes from people's fantasies.
It was very disturbing and fascinating and I'm very glad I read it.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fall for Dance matinee

The pieces we saw were: Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal: Les Chambres des Jacques; Oregon Ballet Theatre: Rush; Madhavi Mugdal: Odissi: PRAVAHA (world premier); Sheron Wray: Harmonica Breakdown; and Hofesh Shechter Company: Uprising (pictured). The two solo pieces (Mugdal and Wray) were the least interesting to me. I would like to see the Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal piece again. It was very quirky and fun, but I had trouble concentrating because of personal stress. Uprising was incredibly intense and powerful about agression and war. The music was loud and industrial, the corps was all male. It was just intense. Everything was great, really. I was also moved by the pas de deux (Rush); the dancers were like liquid.
Sorry, Tree

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit

I think it should be remade. I think a new director would create more narrative tension. The war flashbacks would be scarier and more intense. And they would do away with the cheesy music and stylized acting...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
In the Line of Fire

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Double Indemnity

I know I'm alone among my friends on this score, but watching old movies I always think about how they could be remade. I just don't like the rinky-dink sets and the old-fashioned way tension and suspense are created. Although, I don't like it when remakes update the time; things make less sense that way and don't quite work.
Thursday, August 28, 2008

I saw Hair tonight! It was wonderful!
I had LOVED the movie when I was a kid; saw it many, many times. So, I couldn't help comparing.
Anyway, I had to wait in line for HOURS, to get tickets because it was part of Shakespeare in the Park. The musical numbers were all enthralling and I didn't want any of them to end. Unfortunately I was extremely tired after spending basically an entire day waiting and waiting and waiting.
But it was worth it (sort of). I was so tired that I didn't feel an emotional investment in the story and themes, so that was kind of disappointing. But I would definitely go again -- if the tickets just magically appeared, that is.
Master & Man

Ironically I read the story in the blazing sun, while waiting for tickets to Hair.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Eddie Izzard

He is very, very funny; and very charismatic. I guess that's what makes most comedians work. It's not just their jokes, it's the enjoyment you feel in their performance, like you like their presence. You wish you could hang out with them.
He made a lot of funny jokes about Europe. Very cute and clever.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Death of Ivan Ilyich

It was simple and intense. I had read it in high school, and loved it at the time, but it's different now. Now that I have a quaking, useless, deep and utter fear of death which has haunted me since I was 25.
There's nothing to say about it really. But its inevitability thoroughly galls me.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Toshi Reagon

Bernice Johnson Reagon is one of the founders of Sweet Honey and the Rock, and I think I'm going to put on a CD right now. I might buy a Toshi CD at some point too.
After the concert there was a dance performance, David Dorfman, but it looked pretentious and Tits! and I left after the first few seconds, where the stage was quiet and a voice over went: "Does anyone know why we are here?" or something like that...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Cousin Bette

Like I said, I didn't particularly care for the book. It was that satirical style where there is no character development or emotional pull. Vanity Fair is like that, the book I mean. The author keeps interjecting wisecracks and his prose is dripping with sarcasm. There characters are two dimensional and there's no description of inner life. Watching Cousin Bette convinced me that I don't need to finish Vanity Fair.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
An Inconvenient Truth

It seemed like a lecture. I mean, yeah, it explained global warming, but I already understood the basics. It was basically Al Gore promoting himself. I fell asleep before they got to the part about what we can do to stop it. I mean, I assume he includes that. But what I saw wasn't particularly inspirational. Of course I will continue to reduce, reuse and recycle, but I was doing that anyway.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Our Guys

The boys had exhibited a range of really egregious behavior since middle school and no one did anything about it. It was like the whole town was in their thrall. They sounded like a group of major assholes. I can't imagine going to a school like that.
The book was pretty well written. Although it was kind of cheesy, it sucked me in. It provided all this background information about the town and the characters, and then more and more information came out. He didn't get to the trial till more than half way through.
Anyway, I think this will be a good book to use in class at some point.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Rose of No Man's Land

Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice

The women were incredibly beautiful. I think one of the main draws of the film must be watching them prance around in bikinis and lingerie.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Edward Scissorhands

Also, it made me kind of sad how young Diane Weist and Alan Arkin looked, actors who were older than me at the time it came out, fully adult, who now seem so dewy looking back.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Black Dog Songs

They Loved Paperclips
They loved harmony they loved ant hills they loved food and cookies and harpoons they loved the sound of laces of the shoes and snow they loved the snow on Thursdays in the rain and when they met they loved that too and igloos and the trees and things to mail and chlorine and they loved the towels for the beach and hot dogs and the pool and also when the wind rose up they loved the ceiling and the tide and then they loved the sky.
(This poem is left and right justified in the book.)
The Little Mermaid

I'm sort of jealous of children. How they can get so absorbed in a story. So scared at the scary parts, so moved and the moving parts, so happy and relieved at the joyous parts. I remember that intense engagement, but it's rare that I feel it. Or, let me take that back: of course I feel it, but just not in Disney flicks...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Frank O'Hara, Darger & more

What a lovely day I had! Tits! & went to hear a tribute to Frank O'Hara in the garden of MOMO. A handful of poets read selections of his work, and some of their own. I loved hearing O'Hara's work. How easy to let his brilliance fall by the wayside, how easy to go on with life without reading his poems, which should be read, really, on a regular basis, because they are so perfect and always fresh.
Afterwards we went to the American Folk Art Museum to see a group show of work inspired by or related to Henry Darger. I love Darger, and the exhibit included many, many of his pieces, juxtaposed with those of contemporary artists. It was really a very vibrant show, with a lot of depth. I forget the names of the artists, other than Amy Cutler, whose work I'm a big fan of. But there were a handful of others' work that very much captivated me. There's a joyousness to all that is disturbing in his work that somehow was revealed. Also, the contemporary artists, no matter how excellent their work, lacked the unsettling obsessive quality his has. Which is a good thing!
(The piece pictured here is by Justine Lieberman)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

I love this book.
I love this book.
I just read this book
and I love this book.
I wish I wrote this book.
It is funny, sad, wise and unique.
It's one of the best poetry books I've ever read.
I love this book.
This book is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy by Tao Lin. It is one long terrific poem that is funny, sad, wise and unique.
Beth Orton

Tell No One

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Glenn Close looked great with brown hair, although her face was very Botoxed-up, which depressed me. And she's had a distracting brow life.
Monday, July 7, 2008
The Plot Against America

I don't know what to say. This is a marvelous, brilliantly written book. I got totally absorbed and could barely put it down for two days. His sense of history is rich and densely detailed, and his writing is marvelous.
But somehow, there was little heart to it. I feel like I should have been sobbing, that this should have been a cathartic read. Somehow, as much as I enjoyed it, I was left cold.
Part of it is that it's about a nine year old boy, but told from a historical point in the future, by an adult, and I never really felt the nine-year-old-ness. He described the vulnerability, fear and confusion, but it didn't hit me. I wasn't pulled in emotionally.
This book, by the way, is an alternate history, where Roosevelt loses his third term election to Lindbergh and the country signs a peace pact with the Nazis...
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